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Toxikologie und Gefahrstoffrecht

Crystal engineering - Chemistry beyond the molecule

F-Praktikum für Synthesechemie

Allgemeines chemisches Einführungspraktikum für Biochemiker

pix Lehrstuhl für Anorganische Chemie I
- Bioanorganische Chemie -

Dr. Klaus Merz
Entdeckungen 1 Entdeckungen 2 Entdeckungen 3 Entdeckungen 4 Entdeckungen 5
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As co-author

V. Vasylyeva, K. Merz
Crystal architecture of the low melting nitrogen heterocycles tetrafluoropyrimidine and trifluorotriazine
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials 229 (2014) 603.

E. Patyk, J. Marciniak, H. Tomkowiak, A. Katrusiak, K. Merz
Isothermal and isochoric crystallization of highly hygroscopic pyridine N-oxide of aqueous solution
Acta Crystallographica B: Crystal Engineering and Materials 70 (2014) 487.

N. A. Heutz, P. Dolcet, A. Birkner, M. Casarin, K. Merz, S. Gialanella, S. Gross
Inorganic chemistry in a nanoreactor: Au/TiO2 nanocomposites by photolysis of a single-source precursor in miniemulsion
Nanoscale (2013), 5, 10534.

H. Noei, A. Birkner, K. Merz, M. Muhler, Y. Wang
Probing the Mechanism of Low-Temperature CO Oxidation on Au/ZnO Catalysts by Vibrational Spectroscopy
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (2012) 11181.

T. Baecker, O. Breunig, M. Valldor, K. Merz, V. Vasylyeva, A.-V. Mudring
In-Situ Crystal Growth and Properties of the Magnetic Ionic Liquid [C2mim][FeCl4]
Crystal Growth & Design 11 (2011) 2564.

D. H. Friese, C. Hättig, M. Rohe, K. Merz, A. Rittermeier, M. Muhler
Oxidation of 2-propanol by peroxo titanium complexes: A combined experimental and theoretical study
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (2010) 19415.

M. Rohe, K. Merz, M. Muhler
Gold-haltiges TiO-Aggregat - ein Single Source Precursor als alternativer Zugang für Au/TiO2-Komposite
Ger. Off. (2008) DE 102008011337.

K. Merz, M. Moreno, E. Löffler, L. Khodeir, A. Rittermeier, K. Fink, K. Kotsis, M. Muhler, M. Driess
Lithium-promoted hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to formates by heterobimetallic hydridozinc aloxide clusters
Chem. Commun. (2008) 73.

M. Driess, K. Merz, R. Schoenen
From Neutral Zn4O4 Clusters to a Cationic ZnO Dimer in Solution
Organometallics 26(8) (2007) 2133.

W. Marciniak, K. Merz, M. Moreno, M. Driess 
Convenient Access to Homo- and Heterobimetallic Alkoxo Hydridozinc Clusters of Formula [(HZnOtBu)4-n(LiOtBu)n] (n = 0, 1, 2, 3)
Organometallics 25(21) (2006) 4931.

M. Kurtz, N. Bauer, C. Bäuscher, H. Wilmer, O. Hinrichsen, R.                                    
Becker, S. Rabe, K. Merz, M. Driess, R.A. Fischer, M. Muhler
New Synthetic Routes to More Active Cu/ZnO Catalysts Used for
Methanol Synthesis
Catalysis Letters 92 (2004) 49.

K. Merz, H. Huai-Ming, S. Rell, M. Driess                                                            
Syntheses and molecular structures of metallasiloxanes containing
Zn3O4- and Zn6Si6O10 cores
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. (2003) 54.

H. Wilmer, M. Kurtz, K.V. Klementiev, O.P. Tkachenko, W. Grünert,                     
O. Hinrichsen, A. Birkner, S. Rabe, K. Merz, M. Driess, C. Wöll, M. Muhler
Methanol synthesis over ZnO: A structure-sensitive reaction?
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 5 (2003) 4736.

K. Merz, S. Block, R. Schoenen, M. Driess,                                                           
Facile synthesis and structural variation of novel
heterobimetallic alkali metal-zinc-alkoxide and -siloxide clusters
Dalton Trans. 17 (2003) 3365.

M. Driess, K. Merz, R. Schoenen, S. Rabe, F.E. Kruis, A. Roy, A. Birkner                  
From molecules to metastable solids: solid-state and chemical
vapour syntheses (CVS) of nanocrystalline ZnO and Zn
Comptes Rendus Chimie 6(3) (2003) 273.

J. Hambrock, R.A. Fischer, M. Driess, K. Merz, S. Rabe, A. Birkner                              
Molekulare Zinksilonat-Telomere: Chimäische Vorstufen für
nanokristallines ZnO und/oder Zn-Partikel unter milden
J. Mater. Chem. 13 (2003) 1731.

R. Schoenen, K. Merz, S. Rell, M. Driess                                                                   
Synthesis of siloxy- and alkoxy-substituted ZnO-aggregates for CVS of ZnO
J. Phys. IV 11 (2001) Pr3/547.
K. Merz., R. Schoenen, M. Driess                                                                               
Nanocrystalline ZnO from siloxy-substituted single-source precursors
J. Phys. IV 11 (2001) Pr3/467.

M. Driess, S. Kuntz, C. Monse, K. Merz                                                                          
Modular chemistry with aluminum phosphanides: cluster formation of
(AlP)n (n = 3,6,7), Al4P3, and Al4Li4P6 frameworks
J. Chem. Eur. 6(23) (2000) 4343.

M. Driess, S. Kuntz. K. Merz                                                                                     
Novel Molecular Clusters Having Aluminium-Phosphorus,
Aluminium-Arsenic, and Gallium-Arsenic Skeletons, and Syntheis of
a Al4As6Li4-Rhombododecahedron
J. Chem. Eur. 4 (1998) 1628.

M. Driess, K. Merz, H. Pritzkow, R. Janoschek                                                                  
Lithiumarsanylalanate als Arsenidquellen: ein einfacher Zugang zum
[As73-] Zintl-Ion und Synthese eines Tetraarsatetrasilacubans
Angew. Chem. 108 (1996) 2688.

G. Becker, G. Ditten, K. Hübler, K. Merz, M. Niemeyer, N. Seidler,                                  
M. Westerhausen in:
The Function of the Trimethylsilyl Substituent in the Syntheses of
Low-valent Phosphorus ans Arsenic Containing Compounds
Organosilicon Chemistry II (Hrsg. N. Anner, J. Weiss), VCH,
Weinheim (1996), 172.